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Pre-Licensed Services

Pre-Licensed Services

(Scroll down to see all current offerings)

Healing Trauma Through the Body: A Three Hour Workshop for Students, Trainees, Associates, Licensed Therapists and Other Providers

In this workshop we will explore and discuss some basic principles of resolving trauma in ourselves and others from a somatic perspective. The workshop is open to students, trainees, associates, licensed clinicians, other providers and anyone with an interest in learning more about healing trauma through the body. Topics may include:


What is Trauma?
Trauma Responses
A Physiological Conversation
Sympathetic/Parasympathetic Activation
Window of Tolerance
Somatic Healing and Spirituality
Necessity of Relational Healing


Slowing things down…Allowing space for healing…
Social Engagement/Connection
Invitational Language
The Body’s Voice – Permission and Expression
Optimal Arousal Level
Self-contact / Movement
Bookending / Containment
Installation, Integration, Re-Regulation



The workshop will include didactic teaching, guided somatic self-awareness exercises, question and answer, a demonstration or demonstrations, and/or practice dyad work, depending on group size, interest and time available.

The workshop will last for three hours, with a fifteen minute break in the middle, and time for questions throughout, with the possibility of a follow-up workshop at a later time if the need is present.

The workshop will take place on Zoom on Friday, May 14, from 1:30 to 4:30. The cost of the workshop will be $75, with a sliding scale if needed. No one will be turned away for lack of funds. Wear comfortable, loose fitting clothing and have a space available to get up and move around a little if possible.

For more information or to register, contact Peter Carpentieri at 510-463-1150 or You can visit my website at – – for more information about my practice and experience.


“Somatic therapy is such an important part of the healing process for people who have experienced trauma. Peter provided an approachable way to learn and practice somatic techniques. His passion for this work is evident in his teaching, and he always welcomes questions and feedback. Peter is very attuned to group dynamics and interests, and is flexible in moving where the group wants to go, rather than simply talking through a set curriculum. I found the techniques we practiced really valuable, both for my clients and myself!” Rebecca O.

“I have so enjoyed being a part of your training group and really have appreciated your clinical wisdom and intervention gems.” Warmly, Janelle S.

“I’ve thoroughly enjoyed being in the group–it has given me the taste of Somatic Therapy that I wanted. You are also a great teacher and I have appreciated your style and presence.” Steph S.

“I have learned so much from the group and would really love to train with you again in the future. So please keep me on your mailing list for any upcoming trainings/workshops.Thanks so much for all you have shared! It’s been a fantastic experience.” Warm regards, Max K.

Peter began studying a somatic approach to healing in 1971 when a college roommate returned from a summer in Belgium, living with a Yoga instructor, and began practicing Hatha Yoga postures in the living room of their tiny apartment. Peter went on to study Hatha Yoga, Alexander Technique, Feldenkrais, Kripalu Yoga, Massage, Holistic Health Counseling and Education, Gestalt Therapy, Sensory Awareness, Focusing, Zen Buddhism and Somatic Experiencing®, gaining a rich depth and breadth of somatic awareness and a somatic approach to healing and transformation. Peter Graduated from JFK University in 2004 with a Masters Degree in Counseling Psychology with a Transpersonal focus and was licensed as a Marriage and Family Therapist in 2011. Peter continues to receive trauma healing services from somatic practitioners, and to provide these services to clients in his private practice in Berkeley and Oakland.

Peter Carpentieri, LMFT, SEP


This ongoing group is designed as an introduction or addition to some of the basic principles and interventions of somatic therapy. For now the group is meeting remotely only. In this group, we engage in somatic therapy with ourselves and each other, receiving and providing the benefits of therapy, while learning or improving our skills as therapists utilizing a somatic approach. The group will provide didactic teaching, group somatic practice, volunteer demonstrations and time to practice and learn with each other in dyads and triads. We will draw on basic mindfulness practices, early Gestalt Therapy methods, Somatic Experiencing® principles and interventions, our own intuitions and clinical judgment, Buddhist teaching, and other somatic resources. The group will last for an hour and a half to two hours each week, depending on group size and availability, with an ideal group size of eight, plus the facilitator. Group size will be maintained at eight throughout if at all possible.

The cost of the group is $75 per week, regardless of a participant’s ability to attend in any given week. (Extenuating circumstances will be considered.) A sliding scale may also be available. A six-week commitment will be asked to join. Participants will be asked, if possible, to pay for those six weeks at the time of joining. If you choose to remain in the group after that, you will be asked to pay by the month, in advance, for the number of sessions in that month, unless other arrangements are made. After the six-week commitment is fulfilled, participants will be able to leave the group at any time, with a request that ample notice be given to other group members to allow for adequate closure.

The day and time of the group will be determined by the availability of interested participants. A brief screening interview via email or teleconference may be required to determine appropriateness for the group. Please contact me at 510-463-1150 or if you have questions or would like to set up a screening. You can visit other pages on this website for more information about me and my practice and experience.

I began studying a somatic approach to healing in 1971 when a college roommate returned from a summer in Belgium living with a Yoga instructor, and began practicing Hatha Yoga postures in the living room of our tiny apartment. I went on to study Hatha Yoga, Alexander Technique, Feldenkrais, Kripalu Yoga, Massage, Holistic Health Counseling and Education, Gestalt Therapy, Sensory Awareness, Focusing, Zen Buddhism and Somatic Experiencing® , ⓒ gaining a rich depth and breadth of somatic awareness and a somatic approach to healing and transformation. I graduated from JFK University in 2004 with a Masters Degree in Counseling Psychology with a Transpersonal focus and was licensed as a Marriage and Family Therapist in 2011. I continue to receive trauma healing services from somatic practitioners and to provide these services to my clients in my private practice in Berkeley and Oakland. I offer ongoing somatic therapy training groups and periodic workshops on basic principles of somatic therapy.

Peter began leading groups in the early 1980’s and has led therapy groups, support groups, somatic awareness groups, trauma resolution groups, substance abuse groups, parent groups, and training groups for professionals on a variety of topics. Peter graduated from JFK University in 2004 with a Masters Degree in Counseling Psychology and a specialty in Child and Adolescent Therapy, and was licensed as a Marriage and Family Therapist in 2011. Peter is now in private practice in Berkeley.

Peter Carpentieri, LMFT, SEP

*I am currently offering both in-person therapy and remote therapy via phone or videoconference.

Enjoy lasting changes in the way you experience your life

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or call me at (510) 463-1150